A web page is the place where you can advertise whatever you do, whether you own a company or would like to set up a site to display your creative talents. However, if your site is poorly designed and has no eye catching graphics it is unlikely that web surfers will delve into them. Here at Hadbai we can create web graphics or if you would prefer, we can design your entire site for you.

The important factor, which we take into account, when designing graphics or entire web sites is the need to keep it all concise. There is no point having a graphics rich site, which takes hours to download.

Below is a showcase of Hadbai designed sites showing exactly what we can do...

Our prices for this service are dependent upon the complexity of our task and will vary from design to design. Our finished graphics will usually be sent to you on a CD-ROM (or by e-mail if the file sizes are relatively small).

DJ Voice A Hadbai designed site featuring a breathtaking front graphic also designed by us from an original photograph.

Medworks A medical site also designed by Hadbai with an original montage of shots forming the header to the front page.



Read about Hadbai Hadbai's home page Medical databases for doctors ranging from ENT and Eye to General Medicine and General Surgery Non-medical databases customised from scratch Web design solutions for you Music remixing by the remixer producer DJ Voice Download free MP3s by unknown artists Buy Hadbai T-shirts. Great value! Links to website we like E-mail us