Welcome to Hadbai's website. We are a London based new media company specialising in a wide range of products including medical databases, web design and music remixing. Please browse our website to have a look at what we offer. We look forward to hearing from you. Our latest product is the Audiogram Wizard for ENT surgeons.

Our consulting services are a new addition to our firm. They are ideal if you need advice on building computer based solutions.

Please also view our partner website DJ Voice with computer product reviews and DJ tutorials.

If you have any comments about our website or our products please e-mail us.



Read about Hadbai Hadbai's home page Medical databases for doctors ranging from ENT and Eye to General Medicine and General Surgery Non-medical databases customised from scratch Web design solutions for you Music remixing by the remixer producer DJ Voice Download free MP3s by unknown artists Buy Hadbai T-shirts. Great value! Links to website we like E-mail us